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oh girl. I get it.

I have a lot of women ask me about the effect that their period has on their body, diet, and exercise, so hopefully I can help answer some of these questions.
Why do we have cravings for certain foods?В
Research has been done on the subject of PMS and food cravings, namely chocolate, and not much has been found.I would say that it is a positive a*sociation with food that gives us these cravings, period related or not.It is the same principle that goes with mindless eating, we a*sociate food with positive emotions.We go out to eat with the people we love.We eat at fun parties.We eat when we celebrate.The hormonal ups and downs we go through during our menstrual cycle can cause us to feel lethargic, down, and just plain blah.We then use food to get rid of those negative feelings and bring positive ones instead.
Why do we cramp and feel bloated prior to our period?В
Increased production of hormones are the cause of these fabulous sensations.Prostaglandins, the hormones of which we are speaking, are responsible for making the muscles of the uterus contract.Exercise is actually a great way to lessen the effects of cramps and bloating, so keep moving.If you are really feeling the pain a hot bath and some ibuprofen can do wonders.
What's with the weight gain?В
The question I get asked the most is about weight fluctuation during menstruation.I know.It sucks, but remind yourself that its all part of the program.Each women is different, but I generally see a 3-5 pound increase when my clients are on their periods.The good news.It always seems to even out.So, don't freak out if this is happening to you.Some things you can do to lessen the increase?Decrease the salt intake, keep up with your exercise, and try to fill your diet with healthy wh*le foods.What does a skipped period mean?В Those who are extreme/intense exercisers, who have an extremely low body weight, and or body fat percentage, may have experienced a skipped period.One skipped cycle isn't a huge issue, however if you are noticing several skipped in a row, or you have lost your period altogether go see a doctor.These could be signs of exercise addiction or eating disorders, and both of these scenarios can be life threatening.If this is the case please, please, please seek help.
The good news is that exercise and eating a healthy diet really can help lessen the effects that PMS can have on you when that time of the month arrives, so aside from the many other reasons to exercise...add that to the list.I have always been lucky to stay fairly cramp-free, and I really believe it's because I am a diligent exerciser.Try to eat a healthy diet, drink a lot of water, and combat the cravings with good healthy foods.It isn't uncommon for women to feel tired during their periods, bur this lack of energy doesn't mean you need to check out of life and sleep for days.You'll be surprised at how getting moving can actually help to boost your energy levels.Do you have any other female-ish questions for me?Please...ask away.Are you one that craves certain things or becomes very snacky when that fab time of the month rolls around?It is great to be aware that you are because it can help you to combat it!Now, let's hope I don't have to hide the Skippy Natural tomorrow.
Health Solutions - Stress Relief
Warning Warming Streams Could Be The End For Salmon

Spring-run Chinook salmon, photographed in Butte Creek, upstream from Centerville, Calif., may become extinct in the future due to warming waters.
There are options for managing water resources to protect the salmon runs, although they would impact hydroelectric power generation, said Lisa Thompson, director of the Center for Aquatic Biology and Aquaculture at UC Davis.A paper describing the study is published online this week by the Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management.
«There are things that we can do so that we have the water we need and also have something left for the fish,» Thompson said.
Working with Marisa Escobar and David Purkey at SEI’s Davis office, Thompson and colleagues at UC Davis used a model of the Butte Creek watershed, taking into account the dams and hydropower installations along the river, combined with a model of the salmon population, to test the effect of different water management strategies on the fish.They fed in scenarios for climate change out to 2099 from models developed by David Yates at NCAR in Boulder, Colo.
In almost all scenarios, the fish died out because streams became too warm for adults to survive the summer to spawn in the fall.
The only option that preserved salmon populations, at least for a few decades, was to reduce diversions for hydropower generation at the warmest time of the year.
«If we leave the water in the stream at key times of the year, the stream stays cooler and fish can make it through to the fall,» Thompson said.
Summer, of course, is also peak season for energy demand in California.But Thompson noted that it might be possible to generate more power upstream while holding water for salmon at other locations.
Hydropower is often part of renewable energy portfolios designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Purkey said, but it can complicate efforts to adapt water management regimes to a warming world.Yet it need not be all-or-nothing, he said.
«The goal should be to identify regulatory regimes which meet ecosystem objectives with minimal impact on hydropower production,» he said.«The kind of work we did in Butte Creek is essential to seeking these outcomes.»
There are also other options that are yet to be fully tested, Thompson said, such as storing cold water upstream and dumping it into the river during a heat wave.That would both help fish and create a surge of hydropower.
Salmon are already under stress from multiple causes, including pollution, and introduced predators and competitors, Thompson said.Even if those problems were solved, temperature alone would finish off the salmon but that problem can be fixed, she said.
«I swim with these fish, they’re magnificent,» Thompson said.«We don’t want to give up on them.»
Other co-authors of the paper are graduate student Christopher Mosser and Professor Peter Moyle, both at the Department of Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology, UC Davis.The study was funded by the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency.
Contacts and sources:
Andy Fell
University of California - Davis
K and the days of summer
Myth busted: Potatoes help fight BP sans weight gain
Times of India
Sep 2, 2011
LONDON: Potatoes are generally discarded by most people as fatty food.But, a new study now claims that eating spuds daily can help lower your blood pressure; and moreover, there is also no weight gain involved.In the study, researchers fed 18 volunteers six to eight spuds twice a day.
Most of those taking part were overweight or obese and on pills to lower blood pressure.And, the spuds used were purple ones cooked unpeeled in a microwave.But researchers believe that redskin potatoes and white potatoes may have similar effects.
After a month, the upper of their blood pressure reading when blood is pumped with each beat of the heart, was down by 3.5%.Diastolic or the lower readings decreased by 4.3%.In addition, none of the volunteers put on any weight, the Daily Mail reported.
"Mention 'potato' and people think 'fattening, high carbs, empty calories'.We hope our research helps to remake potato's popular nutritional image," lead researcher Dr Joe Vinson of the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania was quoted as saying.
K and the days of summer
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Books > TV

One of the (not surprising) benefits of no longer having the deluxe cable packageВ is thatВ we’re reading more.We still have some cable, but getting in the habit of not having the TV on means that we don’t turn it on when we’re bored or for background noise.
Instead, we play music and pick up a book.I’ve read two complete books in the last week and have started on another.
I’m enjoying the having the TV off.Somehow, it makes the day seem slower paced, more relaxing, when I pick up a book instead of flipping through channels.
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Managing Stress: Principles and Strategies for Health and Wellbeing with Art of Peace Workbook
Referred to as the authority on stress management by students and professionals, Managing Stress, Sixth Edition, contains the most comprehensive approach honoring the integration, balance and harmony of mind, body, spirit and emotions.The holistic approach taken by internationally acclaimed lecturer and author Brian Luke Seaward gently guides the reader to greater levels of mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being by emphasizing the importance of mind-body-spirit unity.
Amazon Sales Rank: #21606 in Books Published on: 2008-11-03 Original language: English Number of items: 1 Binding: Paperback 600 pages
Most helpful customer reviews 2 of 2 people found this review helpful.Manage stress, principles and strategies of health and well-being by Clint Pearman I'm in a program of study prior health and well-being and this book is part of a text of my cla*ses.However, this book can be used by anyone interested in learning how to manage stress.I have read several books on stress management and it is simply the best I have ever read.It is easy to read with great graphics and photos.It has a section in each chapter that highlights the definitions you need to understand and remember.There are many forms to help you if your stress problems.At the end of each chapter there is a summary in the form of bullet that highlight the most important concepts.The book guides you though the stress management in a process step by step debt.You can skip around to read those chapters you need or want and still get a lot out of it.If you study in college stress, you'll love this book and if you are just interested in learning and managing your own stress and can be 1 / 9 Read grade level, you will find it a wonderful resource The last chapter includes more than 10 of the most powerful stress management techniques that you learn to use the rest of your life.The workbook that came with my order, is a good supplement to help you understand stress management.And my girlfriend uses relaxation CD to help her sleep.8 out of 11 people found the following review helpful.Poor scholarship Brian Gordon interpret this as you want, but this book is not a scientific method to the study of stress, would rather rely on the old medicine and holistic body-mind-spirit ideas.Unfortunately, the author not only departs from scientific facts, but also by common sense scientific method.Evidence of "cellular memory" is an unconfirmed story of a nameless woman who wanted to beer and chicken nuggets after receiving a heart transplant from a motorcyclist has demonstrated that Einstein's E = mc ^ 2, although the researchers admit 'universe is a friendly place that spiritual energy!These statements reflect poor understanding and erudition of the author and make an interesting book, harmless to health in a holistic embarra*sing lesson about what happens when you believe everything you hear.2 of 3 people found this review helpful.Excellent book!DFI I highly recommend this book.I took a college course and we used this book.It is a book and looks very balanced in all areas of eustress (good stress) Neustress (neutral stress) and distress (negative stress).It provides a wealth of information step by step in a variety of techniques in managing and eliminating stress.It 'been so useful to me, I decided to keep the book off my cla*s was over.There is also an excellent accompanying magazine called Managing Stress "A Creative Journal" you can buy to go with it See all 13 reviews ....
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Samsung Announces ChatOn For Mobile Devices
Samsung has announced a new mobile messaging service for its Bada OS and Android smartphones called ChatOn, and it looks like Samsung are looking to take on RIM’s BBM and Apple’s new iMessage.ChatOn is a free messaging application that will let you send text, picture and video messages between Samsung smartphones, and it will come bundled with Samsung’s Android and Bada OS devices.
It looks like Samsung also intends to release ChatOn as applications for other devices other than just Samsung ones which will include Android smartphones from other manufacturers and Apple’s iOS devices.
More information's:
Samsung announces ChatOn, a new global messaging service that will be available for Android,etc:
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Here are some video highlights from Aussie Pilgrimage, culminating at the WYD Stations of the Cross on 19 August, the Vigil with the Holy Father on 20 August, and the Final WYD Ma*s on 21 August 2011!
Wednesday Hodgepodge
Foundations of Nursing
Part of the popular LPN Threads series, this comprehensive text prepares you for safe and effective nursing practice in today's fast-paced healthcare environment.Covering maternal and neonatal, pediatric, geriatric, mental health, and community nursing, Foundations of Nursing, 6th Edition, includes all of the essential LPN/LVN content you need.Companion CD includes animations and audio clips depicting physiologic processes, physical a*sessment video clips, an English/Spanish glossary with definitions and audio pronunciations, an anatomy coloring book, and a fluid and electrolytes tutorial.The consistent, logical framework of the nursing process connects specific disorders to patient care.A mathematics review chapter provides a complete review of basic arithmetic skills and practice in drug dosage calculation to ensure safe medication administration.Safety Alert boxes help you implement The Joint Commission's safety guidelines in all settings, with considerations for special populations.Nursing Diagnosis boxes, screened and highlighted in the text, include nursing diagnoses for specific disorders paired with the appropriate nursing interventions.More than 100 skills in a step-by-step format with full-color illustrations present clearly defined nursing actions with rationales for the skills and techniques you'll use in practice.Medication tables are meticulously detailed and provide quick access to action, dosage, precautions, and nursing considerations for commonly used drugs.Nursing Care Plans, presented in a case-study format, emphasize patient goals and outcomes and end with Critical Thinking Questions to develop your clinical decision-making skills.Coordinated Care boxes emphasize parameters for prioritizing tasks, as well as a*signing tasks to and supervising unlicensed a*sistive personnel.Patient Teaching boxes and Family Teaching boxes include post-hospital discharge guidelines and disease prevention instructions with a strong focus on three-way communication among the nurse, patient, and family members.Life Span Considerations for Older Adults boxes provide age-specific information for the care of the aging population, which is often the primary focus of the LPN/LVN nurse.Home Care Considerations boxes discuss the issues facing patients and caregivers in the home health care setting.Health Promotion boxes provide key information on staying healthy and preventing disease, with tips on wellness from Healthy People 2010.Cultural Considerations boxes discuss how to address the health needs of a culturally diverse patient population when planning care.Enhanced focus on the NCLEXВ
New York Travel Pt. 2

We purchased the New York Pa*s, which cost us $140 per person for 2 days.The New York Pa*s is a great idea in theory.The one we purchased included several bus tours, which we only used twice.It includes 55 attractions in NYC that you could go to for free (because you purchased the pa*s).
Tip: Loosely plan out your day, but go with the flow. I booked our schedule around what neighborhoods we'd be in.Unfortunately I misunderstood the bus tour and ended up wasting a wh*le day only doing two things!The first thing you should do, especially if you purchase the bus tour, is start your bus tour as soon as you get there- and don't activate your Pa*s until the next day (as it will expire at Midnight the last day you can use it).The bus tour that we hopped on was 2.5 hours long, and it's "hop on, hop off" which, again, sounds like a good deal, but that's if you leisurely want to see the city.(Where we went wrong is that we thought we'd be stopping at all of the stops, which wasn't true, and they kicked us all off at the Statue of Liberty, a long way from where we needed to be!) I suggest taking the Subway, which, on the high end, only costs $2.50 per single ride (cheaper if you get a Metro Card) and it will take you places much quicker than a bus tour or even walking.The subway system is pretty easy to figure out- and I actually enjoyed riding it when we were going really far (and also when it was raining and no cabs would stop!)
We saw the Statue of Liberty, which was included in the NY Pa*s.Unfortunately, the Pa*s did not include Monument Access, only a ferry ride to the island!You waited in line to get to the ferry for an hour or two, spend another hour in the security and ferry ride, where you're herded like cattle...and a 15 minute ride to Liberty Island, where youВ have to avoid thousands of amateur photographers photographing Lady Liberty.Instead: take a leisurely stroll around the seaport and into Battery Park City, see the water, lovely landscaping and the boats.I was really in awe of the beauty of the New York City park system.
We saw two Broadway shows while in NYC- and if you go, you definitely need to see some!There's so many, one for every taste.If you're a student or have a student ID, check out the "Student Rush" tickets.These are available the day of the show, at the box office, at 10 am.We got two Jersey Boys tickets (2006's Best Broadway Musical) for $27 apiece with a student ID!We also purchased 2 Lion King musical tickets and paid more for them as they weren't eligible for discounts, but they were SO worth it.I researched several musicals online and watched the trailers on YouTube before deciding.
We visited The Bodies exhibit, which was also included on the NY Pa*s.It was amazing!It had been to the KC area a couple years ago, and if you ever get a chance to see it, take it!It is an exhibit of real bodies and real body parts- everything from lungs to hearts, eyes, brains, everything you could ever imagine...seriously!Some of the most amazing things that I saw were slices of the brain that had had an aneurysm, diseased lungs, the bronchial tubes/trees and different tumors.There was also a "game" called Mindball that you and a partner put sensors on your head and tried to relax as much as possible.As your brainwaves decline, the ball moves.If you "keep your cool" better than your partner, the ball goes into your partner's area and makes a "goal".В Overall, this exhibit was my favorite- it showed you a completely different way to look at your body- from the inside out.
We visited Rockefeller Center, where 30 Rock, Saturday Night Live, and other NBC Shows are filmed.We went to the "Top of the Rock"- 68 floors up, (in 43 seconds!) and got an amazing view of NYC- without the long crowds of The Empire State Building!We also saw The Lincoln Center, a beautifulВ fine arts campus.We had a lovely little Swedish tour guide who took us through the different theatres (and we saw Julliard!) and taught us the history.
Go to TIMES SQUARE!Times Square is amazing, invigorating, crowded, and fantastic.Being a small town girl from Missouri, I was in awe.Yes, you have to avoid people who stop in the middle of the block.But there's so much to see!Street vendors serving hot food, street performers dancing, cabs racing at you while you jaywalk, (or even just walk when it's time to walk- they're ruthless).
Watch Rang Badalti Odhani в
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Operasi Memperkecil Bibir Kemaluan Jadi Tren Baru


(Foto: thinkstock)Jakarta, Bedah kosmetik untuk memperbaiki penampilan yang dilakukan wanita tidak lagi sebatas wajah, payudara, pinggang dan bokong.Bedah estetika itu kini juga menyentuh hal-hal sensitif seperti memperbaiki penampilan bibir dalam vagina (labial minora) agar lebih percaya diri.
National Health Service di Inggris mencatat bedah kosmetik untuk prosedur memperkecil labial telah meningkat 5 kali lipat dalam 10 tahun terakhir.Perempuan melakukan operasi pengurangan ukuran labial minora (bibir bagian dalam vagina) dengan tujuan lebih nyaman baik dalam kehidupan sehari-hari maupun saat berhubungan seks.
Penelitian tentang banyaknya operasi memperkecil bibir kemaluan ini adalah yang pertama dan hasil penelitiannya diterbitkan dalam BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology seperti dikutip Health24, Rabu (24/8/2011).
Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 33 wanita yang meminta operasi pengecilan labial dan telah dirujuk oleh dokter umum yang merawatnya.Rata-rata wanita yang melakukan operasi memperkecil labial minora itu berusia 23 tahun.
Dari hasil pemeriksaan dokter kandungan, kondisi labial minora perempuan yang ingin operasi itu kebanyakan sangat normal.Studi ini menemukan bahwa semua perempuan yang melakukan operasi, memiliki ukuran labia minora yang normal dengan lebar rata-rata 26,9 mm atau 2,69 cm untuk bibir sebelah kanan dan 24,8 mm atau 2,48 cm untuk bibir sebelah kiri.
Meski begitu, wanita yang ditolak melakukan operasi tetap ingin melakukannya dan mengatakan labial minora yang dimiliki tidak simetris (asimetris).Dari wanita yang ditolak untuk operasi, 12 perempuan (40%) masih tetap ingin melakukan operasi melalui jalan lain, 11 perempuan menerima rujukan untuk konsultasi ke psikologi dan satu peserta dirujuk ke pelayanan kesehatan mental.
Ketika ditanya tentang apa yang ingin dicapai dengan operasi, 20 perempuan (60%) berharap mendapat labia lebih kecil untuk memperbaiki penampilan.Alasan lainnya adalah mengurangi ketidaknyamanan, meningkatkan kepercayaan diri dan ingin meningkatkan hubungan seksual.
Alasan ketidakpuasan antara lain disebabkan karena pendapat pribadi, ketidaknyamanan fisik, komentar dari pasangan dan menonton program TV yang menayangkan bedah kosmetik genital.
Sarah Creighton dari Institut Kesehatan Wanita UCL Elizabeth Garrett Anderson sekaligus penulis utama penelitian mengatakan, tren operasi ini mengejutkan karena semua peserta setelah diteliti memiliki labia minora berukuran normal, tapi hampir dari setengahnya masih ingin mengejar operasi sebagai pilihan.
"Yang perlu mendapat perhatian khusus adalah usia beberapa pasien yang dirujuk, salah satunya ada yang berusia 11 tahun.Padahal perkembangan bagian eksternal organ kelamin akan berlanjut sepanjang masa remaja dan labia minora dapat berkembang asimetris pada awalnya namun lama-kelamaan menjadi lebih simetris seiring waktu," ungkap Sarah.
ir/ir) detikhealth.com
News: Xbox 360 Wireless Microphone
Accountability: the alternative to criticism

Why would I cry?Because theyВ told me that something I had done was not perfect.They had given me criticism about my work and I couldn’t handle it.
I can quote every word of criticism my husband has said to me.
Why?Because he is a kind, sensitive, loving man who in 12 yrs of marriage has hardly ever criticized me.He is more likely to encourage me and turn a blind eye to my failures.But there have been a few instances where I needed a word of correction and yet I was still terribly upset by it.
I have gotten angry with my son when he said I was using harsh words.
Why?Because there is a mom I want to beВ and a mom I don’t want to be.The last thing I want is for my children to be aware that I have failed.В
Being devastated or angered by criticism.Who am I?
A sinner.Imperfect.В Never good enough on my own strength.
and also
Forgiven.Perfect through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross.Dependent on Him.
Particularly with my spouse and children,В IВ should be open to their correction knowing that they loveВ me more than anyone else on this earth!Recognizing thatВ we are on the same team is a HUGE step to accepting their correction on areas I may need to change and grow.
photo credit: alancleaver_2000в
2 Effective High Intensity Aerobic Workouts
Step aerobics and running are both considered high-intensity aerobic workouts.Step aerobics is a high-intensity low-impact aerobic workout, meaning it carries a low risk of injuries but conditions both the lower and upper body.Although both types of exercise are high-intensity, they each use slightly different body mechanics, so the shoes you use for running may not be suitable for step aerobics and vice versa.
Step aerobics is taught in a cla*sroom setting.You use an adjustable, plastic "step" that is about 3 feet long and 1.5 feet wide.The aerobic conditioning consists of stepping up and down on the step in a variety of patterns to strengthen your cardiovascular system and to condition your muscles, especially those in the lower body.It is important that the athletic shoes you wear when performing step aerobics have good forefoot padding and are not too flexible, says Ayne Furman, doctor of podiatric medicine, of the American Academy of Sports Medicine.Much of the stepping is performed on the ball and toes of the foot, so you need to have adequate cushioning, and a more solid shoe base will keep you from rolling your foot or losing support when moving laterally.Running is a more flexible activity, so you can wear shoes that have a more flexible footbed to imitate running barefoot.Running shoes should also provide enough cushion to absorb shock, but the cushioning should be throughout the shoe, not just in the forefront.
According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, or AAOS, athletic shoes are grouped into seven categories: court, field, winter, track and field, specialty, outdoor and running.The running shoe category absorbs all shoes made for running, walking and aerobic training.The AAOS says good running shoes should have a comfortable, soft upper portion of the shoe, good shock absorption, good traction, cushioning, flexibility.They should be lightweight and offer stability in the heel.The American Council on Exercise suggests purchasing separate, specific shoes for running and aerobics if you perform each activity several times each week.However, if you run and do step aerobics infrequently, the council suggests simply purchasing a cross-trainer shoe for both activities.
Running shoes and cross-training shoes are slightly different but can make a huge impact on how well you move.According to Dick's Sporting Goods, matching the style and foot shape is essential to your comfort and health.The wrong shoe can transfer the stress from your foot to your knee and hip joints, causing more problems.The outsole, or bottom of a running shoe, is usually made from a carbon or blown rubber, with the blown rubber being lighter and offering more cushioning and flexibility.The outsoles of cross-trainers are wide and stable to provide more lateral support, stability and versatility.Running shoes have a layer of soft, shock-absorbing material between the outsole and the upper, and the materials used impact the shoe's cushioning and the stability.Running shoes usually have one of two types of cushioning, either EVA or polyurethane.EVA is more lightweight and doesn't offer much stability or durability, while polyurethane is more dense and durable, but also adds weight to the shoe.Cross-trainers offer the same types of cushioning but place it mainly in the heel and forefront of the shoe.Many cross-trainers have a leather upper to help avoid ankle instability or rolling, while running shoes feature flex grooves, which are cut across the forefront of the outsole to allow the foot to flex naturally at the ball while running, and a split heel to make the shoe more efficient for heel-to-toe running.
Running shoes will cushion your feet when you are performing step aerobics but may not offer the same amount of stability as a cross-trainer.The running shoe provides basic support but will not offer a lot of ankle stability because it does not have a sturdy upper.If you perform step aerobics only a few times each month, it would be all right to use your running shoes, but if you choose to participate in step aerobics more frequently, you should invest in a pair of cross-trainers to be used specifically for step aerobics.
Another consideration is the age of the shoes.According to a 1997 study by Mark C.Maybury and Jackie Waterfield of Coventry University, people performing step aerobics had a higher risk of injury if they wore older shoes that lacked forefoot cushioning, because that is the part of the foot that contacts the ground first.The study states that a loss of cushioning in the forefoot would lead to decreased shock absorption and could lead to bio-mechanical problems involving the foot muscles and plantar flexors.
I finally spit out everything I cried about for 3 years and all
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Personal Medical Health Insurance - The Way You And Your Loved Ones Can Benefit

In a number of nations, acquiring one's own health insurance policies in position is necessary for whenever you are sick and require medical attention from either any local medical doctor or clinic.As an example, regions such as Britain, Ireland and also Australia, citizens are provided a free national health service that could cover the expenses regarding any medical charges, operations and in many cases, prescriptions for pills and also medicines.On the other hand, in the USA, there is not any national health service, and therefore in the event you require high priced procedures, you may find yourself in a quandary over seeking the necessary money to pay for operations as well as health care costs.This is where private health care insurance comes into play.
Although, private health insurance isn't just for people living in the United states of america.In countries in which a free national health service is provided, private health insurance policies continue to be very much the norm for those that is able to afford them.The national health services could at times have extensive waiting times, or a nearby medical center might not usually have the necessary facilities to provide specific operations or even surgeries, and as such you might need to go out of the location to another national service medical center to receive the required treatment solution.
During scenarios, a private health insurance policy will surely aid.You will always find, by using private health insurance, waiting times for operations, surgeries along with other medical procedures are substantially reduced, even if conducted at the very same medical center.You will also notice that there are many of top quality private hospitals available throughout your country, which often provide a higher cla*s of treatment compared to a standard national medical center, convenient accommodation for the patients and loved ones, and can offer some other treatment options not found within your city.
The easiest way to get the right private health insurance for you, is always to search on the internet.You'll be able to compare quotes coming from a variety of private health insurance providers, and also discover what every single policy includes.Not all the policies as well as providers offer the same, so make sure to see the fine print before you sign up.You will usually have to give your health background, your weight and also complete a health survey regarding your nutritional and also lifestyle routines.Be certain that you're honest regarding any kind of surgical procedures you might have received, or even might require suddenly down the road.Without speaking about it may limit the monthly premiums to your medical insurance, you could discover that whenever you do require medical attention of any type later on, your insurance policy is not going to give you the sufficient protection for regular or even previous conditions or maybe difficulties you hadn't formerly made them mindful of.
You will also find numerous health insurance providers are able to offer other insurance services, such as life insurance coverage, critical disease cover and also income protection.These policies are meant to help you should you end up severely sick, or perhaps can't work due to an accident or even personal injury, yet are not needed to be taken together with any kind of private health insurance policy.If you have a family, it would even be well worth it finding an insurer who is going to offer complete cover for you, your partner as well as your kids, and a few might also include your kids without cost depending on their ages.It is a wise decision to shop around prior to signing up with any provider.
Pavitra Rishta 14th July 2011 | Zee Tv drama Pavitra Rishta 14-07-2011
Highly Virulent E. coli O26, Scotland | CDC EID

Author affiliations: Health Protection Scotland, Glasgow, Scotland (K.G.J.Pollock, M.E.Locking, J.M.Cowden); Yorkhill Hospital, Glasgow (T.J.Beattie, S.Bhojani); and Scottish E.coli O157/VTEC Reference Laboratory, Edinburgh, Scotland (L.Allison, M.Hanson)
Suggested citation for this article
To the Editor: Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) is a rare disorder characterized by microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, microthrombi, and multiorgan injury.HUS is one of the commonest causes of acute renal failure in children worldwide and is most frequently precipitated by infection with verotoxin-producing Escherichia coli (VTEC) such as E.coli O157 (1).However, non-O157 VTEC serotypes have been increasingly found in the development of HUS (24).
Although previous surveillance of childhood HUS in Scotland identified E.coli O157 in >90% of cases, non-O157 serotypes have also been a*sociated with HUS (5).In 2010, several particularly severe cases of HUS were reported to Health Protection Scotland by a consultant pediatric nephrologist.Subsequent tests identified the pathogen in these cases as E.coli O26.However, in a recent study of pediatric HUS cases in Europe, children infected with E.coli O26 did not exhibit different clinical signs and symptoms from patients infected with other VTEC serotypes (6). To establish whether the host pathophysiologic responses to E.coli O157 and E.coli O26 strains differed, we analyzed a cohort of children with HUS who were infected with these VTEC serotypes.
In Scotland, most patients with pediatric thrombotic microangiopathy are referred to a specialist pediatric hospital, which immediately reports cases of HUS to Health Protection Scotland as part of national surveillance.To test the hypothesis that E.coli O26 was more virulent than E.coli O157, we performed an age-matched, nested casecase study of HUS patients and compared host clinical markers, treatment, and outcomes from pediatric cases in 2010.Data collection has been described elsewhere (5).The statistical significances of a*sociations between categorical variables were investigated by using П
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Eid-ul-Fitr announcement

Our Hilal Committee will meet on Ramadaan 29, 1432 (Monday, August 29, 2011) to determine the start of Shawwaal (thus the date of Eid-ul-Fitr.Kindly revisit this Wednesday, August 31, 2011
News: Xbox 360 Wireless Microphone
Kapankah Vaksinasi untuk Anak Boleh Ditunda?

(Foto: thinkstock)Jakarta, Vaksin adalah salah satu cara untuk memastikan kondisi anak tetap sehat.Vaksin hampir selalu aman bagi kebanyakan anak.Namun beberapa vaksin bisa ditunda dulu, yang kadang justru penundaan itu bermanfaat.
Penundaan vaksin ini dibolehkan jika orangtua khawatir mengenai keamanan vaksin pada saat anak sedang pilek, sedang punya alergi atau memiliki penyakit medis lainnya.
Ada beberapa alasan kenapa harus menunda vaksin untuk anak seperti dilansir dari health, Selasa (22/8/2011).
1.Reaksi parah terhadap vaksin sebelumnya
"Salah satu alasan utama untuk menghindari vaksinasi anak adalah reaksi alergi yang parah terhadap vaksin sebelumnya," kata Robert W.Frenck, Jr, MD, profesor pediatri di Cincinnati Children Rumah Sakit Medical Center, di Ohio.
Reaksi yang muncul dapat berupa gatal-gatal, kesulitan bernapas atau penurunan tekanan darah.Reaksi serius lain seperti demam tinggi, sakit kepala dan kebingungan.
Banyak efek samping yang umum terjadi seperti kemerahan pada bekas suntikan atau demam rendah.Periksalah ke dokter untuk mengetahui gejala anak yang perlu diwaspadai terkait dengan vaksinasi yang akan diambil.
2.Alergi telur
Vaksin flu dan virus campak dibuat dari telur ayam.Namun, vaksin tersebut masih aman untuk anak, bahkan jika ia memiliki alergi telur."Salah satu cara untuk memberikan suntikan flu bagi anak-anak yang alergi telur yaitu dengan cara pemberian vaksin dalam dosis yang perlahan-lahan meningkat oleh ahli alergi anak," kata Andrew Hertz, MD, dokter spesialis anak Rumah Sakit Bayi & Anak Universitas Rainbow di Cleveland, AS.
Komite Penasehat untuk Praktik Imunisasi di AS (The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices) baru-baru ini merekomendasikan bahwa orang dengan alergi telur boleh mendapatkan vaksinasi flu.Rekomendasi ini didasarkan pada penelitian yang telah mencatat bahwa orang dengan alergi telur tidak mengalami reaksi apapun terhadap vaksin.Mungkin karena jumlah protein telur di dalamnya sangat kecil.
3.Demam tinggi
"Jika anak mengalami demam 38 C atau lebih tinggi, konsultasikan dengan dokter untuk menunda vaksin," saran Dr Hertz.Bukan karena suntikannya akan menyakiti anak, tapi kondisi demam dapat menyulitkan untuk mengetahui apakah ia juga memiliki reaksi negatif terhadap vaksin.
"Kita tidak akan tahu jika demamnya adalah efek samping dari vaksin," kata Dr Hertz.Hal Itu bisa membuat anak lebih berisiko terhadap vaksinasi berikutnya.Jika Anda menunda vaksinasi karena demam, ingatlah untuk menjadwal ulang kembali.
4.Asma atau penyakit paru-paru
Anak-anak dengan penyakit asma dan penyakit paru-paru lainnya harus paling dahulu mendapat vaksinasi flu setiap tahun.Flu bisa menjadi masalah besar bagi mereka yang memiliki penyakit kesulitan bernapas.Tapi hindari vaksinasi flu lewat hidung karena mengandung virus hidup yang lemah, berbeda dengan suntikan yang merupakan virus mati.
"Ini dapat menyebabkan asma," kata Dr Hertz.Anak-anak tanpa kondisi asma atau paru-paru lebih tua dari 2 tahun dan tidak memiliki alergi telur seharusnya tidak bermasalah dengan vaksin flu jenis apapun.
5.Steroid dosis tinggi
Jika anak akan menggunakan kortikosteroid dosis tinggi yang mematikan reaksi kekebalan tubuh yang terlalu aktif, hindarilah vaksin virus hidup.Di antaranya termasuk vaksin flu hidung, rotavirus, MMR (campak, gondok, rubella), varisela (cacar air), dan zoster ( herpes zoster), sampai beberapa minggu setelah berhenti menggunakan steroid.
Steroid dosis tinggi biasanya diminum untuk jangka waktu yang relatif singkat dalam pengobatan asma atau kondisi lain.Obat ini menurunkan aktivitas sel-sel kekebalan yang melawan infeksi virus.Tapi steroid dosis rendah yang dihirup tidak masalah.
6.Immunodeficiency atau kemoterapi
Anak-anak dengan sistem kekebalan tubuh yang lemah akibat kemoterapi atau menerima pengobatan imunosupresif untuk penyakit autoimun seperti penyakit inflamasi usus atau rheumatoid arthritis, juga harus menghindari vaksin virus hidup.
Meskipun vaksin aman membunuh virus dan diperlukan untuk melindungi anak-anak seperti itu, suntikan mungkin tidak dapat melindungi karena hanya digunakan untuk anak-anak dengan sistem kekebalan yang kuat.
"Secara umum, anak-anak dengan HIV/AIDS harus tetap mendapatkan vaksinasi selama sistem kekebalan tubuh mereka tidak terancam," kata Ciro Sumaya, MD, profesor kebijakan kesehatan dan manajemen di Texas A&M Health Science Center School of Rural Public Health, di College Station.
Satu-satunya pengecualian adalah vaksin flu hidup.Jika tidak, selama anak dengan HIV memiliki jumlah T-sel yang berada dalam rentang yang aman, ia boleh menerima vaksin virus hidup, termasuk MMR, varicella, dan rotavirus.
8.Anak tinggal bersama orang yang Sakit
"Vaksin hidup tertentu tidak boleh diberikan kepada anak-anak yang tinggal dengan orang dengan sistem kekebalan tubuh lemah, baik karena kemoterapi, mengidap HIV AIDS atau minum obat imunosupresif," kata Dr Hertz.
Secara khusus, anak-anak ini dilarang mendapat vaksin flu hidung sebab berpotensi bisa menularkan penyakit.Secara teoritis, penyakit bisa disekresikan lewat sekresi hidung dan pernapasan dalam jumlah yang sangat kecil.
Lemonade and Freedom
Turning the Corner
TWO people were seriously injured when a gas explosion rocked a house in Harare’s Warren Park D suburb last weekend.The blast destroyed part of the four-roomed house, reducing some property to ashes while a lodger, Doreen Muchenje (30), and another man only identified as Lovemore were rushed to Parirenyatwa Hospital after sustaining burns.It is said Muchenje had been running an illegal gas filling business from her rented room for about three months before the accident.
At around 7pm on August 20 Muchenje was filling a gas cylinder belonging to her client, Lovemore, when the gas exploded in her room.
The Harare Fire Brigade attended the scene and only managed to douse the fire after an hour.
By then, virtually all the household property in Muchenje’s room had been burnt to ashes.
The owner of the house, Ms Svinurai Marowa Makangira, was at her rural home when the incident occurred.
Ms Makangira’s son, Elliot, was at home and witnessed the incident.
«I heard the loud blast followed by screaming.I opened my door and was surprised to see Doreen’s room on fire.
«Doreen said she was serving her customer when the gas exploded.It is not clear what happened because she said the gas just exploded while she was filling a stove cylinder,» said Elliot.
Muchenje could not comment on the incident as she was still in hospital last week.-The Sunday Mail
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Weight Loss Benefits of Walking and Jogging

Weight Loss Benefits of Walking and Jogging |
Walking and , although one can take much longer than the other.If you were to follow a walking or jogging program for two weeks, you'd lose more weight jogging than walking.Jogging, however, takes more stamina and a higher fitness level, whereas walking is friendly for everyone.
Calorie Count
Jogging burns more calories than walking does because your body is moving faster, just as brisk walking will burn more calories than meandering at a slower pace.If you weigh 160 lbs., for instance, you can burn 183 calories per hour walking at a pace of 2 mph, according to MayoClinic.com, while you can increase your hourly burn to 277 calories if you increase your pace to 3.5 mph.Jogging at a rate of 5 mph can increase your calorie burn even further to 584 per hour.
Walking Benefits and Detriments
Walking can take longer to work off the weight, but it is a low-impact, non-strenuous activity that works especially well for beginners.Even though you are moving slower than jogging, walking still provides a weight-bearing aerobic workout that can strengthen your bones and muscles.Walking, also like jogging, can be an indoor activity on the treadmill or you can take it outside on the sidewalk, track or walking path.
Jogging Benefits and Detriments
Jogging might lead to quicker weight loss and a faster road to fitness, but it does have a few drawbacks.Jogging is tough on your knees, hips and other joints because it provides a high-impact workout.It can be too strenuous if you are new to exercise, extremely out of shape or have orthopedic problems.The Cleveland Clinic says jogging is not a wise choice if you have health issues such as shortness of breath or chest pain.
Since each pound is worth 3,500 calories, you'll need to work off an additional 3,500 calories to lose a single pound.You can do that with about 12.6 hours of walking at 3.5 mph or about 6 hours of jogging at 5 mph.The recommended exercise dose is at least 30 minutes per day of moderate activity, although increasing the duration will lead to quicker results.If you stuck to the 30 daily minutes of exercise you would end up with 3.5 hours of exercise per week.At that rate it would take you about three and one-half weeks to lose a single pound walking and less than two weeks to lose a pound jogging.
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3 Weight Loss Stretch Marks Treatments
Stretch marks are most commonly caused by weight gain, or medication.While stretch marks are fairly common in these situations, they can be embarra*sing for many people.However, there are some natural treatments that can help to get rid of them.These treatments have not been approved by the U.S.Food and Drug Administration, or FDA, however, so talk with your doctor before trying any treatment on yourself.
Lavender Essential Oil, Rose Essential Oil and Cocoa Butter
According to Ann Worwood, author of "The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy," a mixture of lavender essential oil, rose essential oil and cocoa butter can be used to get rid of stretch marks while firming and toning the skin.To make this mixture, combine 1 tsp.lavender essential oil, 1 tsp.rose essential oil and 4 tbsp.cocoa butter in a small container and mix with the tines of a fork.Gently apply a thick layer of this mixture and leave it on the skin overnight or for six to eight hours.This remedy can be used daily as long as no irritation occurs, and unused portions of the mixture can be kept in a cool, dark place for up to one month for later use.
Neroli Essential Oil, Jojoba Oil and Fresh Aloe Vera Gel
According to Jennie Harding, author of "The Essential Oils Handbook: All the Oils You Will Ever Need for Health, Vitality and Well-Being," a mixture of neroli essential oil, jojoba oil and fresh aloe vera gel can be applied to reduce the appearance of stretch marks and tighten the skin the area.To make this mixture, combine В
6 Step Weight Loss Stretch Marks Removal Guide

Stretch marks occur when the skin is stretched too quickly beyond its normal limits, such as with weight gain or Step 1
Exfoliate your stretch marks and the skin surrounding them each day by washing these areas with body wash and a loofah.According to "Cosmetic Dermatology: Principles and Practice," gentle exfoliation will encourage cell turnover by sloughing off dead and dying skin cells and promoting healthy circulation.
Step 2
Ma*sage cocoa butter gently into your stretch marks and the skin surrounding them each day.Cocoa butter, according to the "Handbook of Dermatology: A Practical Manual," hydrates the skin and promotes the formation of elastin and collagen, both of which are necessary for the reduction of the appearance of stretch marks.
Step 3
Avoid in chlorinated water or sitting in a hot tub with chlorinated water.According to "Braun-Falco's Dermatology," chlorine is drying to the skin and therefore intensifies the appearance of stretch marks.If avoiding chlorinated water entirely is not reasonable, cover your stretch marks with petroleum jelly prior to entering the swimming pool or hot tub.The petroleum jelly will serve as a protective barrier to the drying effects of the chlorine.
Step 4
Avoid tanning your skin via the sun or a tanning booth.According to "Braun-Falco's Dermatology," tanning is not only dangerous to your skin and a possible cause of skin cancer, but stretch mark tissue does not tan at the same speed as its surrounding tissue, thereby intensifying the appearance of the stretch marks.
Step 5
Consume 15 mg of vitamin E daily, as this is the recommended daily allowance of vitamin E.Vitamin E, according to "Cosmetic Dermatology: Principles and Practice," promotes cell turnover and supports healthy skin, thereby a*sisting the body in lessening the appearance of stretch marks after weight loss.Foods rich in vitamin E include wheat germ oil, almonds, kiwis, spinach, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds and broccoli.
Step 6
Incorporate small amounts of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids into your diet.These fatty acids, which are naturally found in foods including flaxseed oil, canola oil, walnuts, sesame seeds and pine nuts, are necessary to maintain the skin's elasticity.According to "Braun-Falco's Dermatology," elasticity is required to successfully fade stretch marks after losing weight.
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Top 10 engineering colleges in Orissa 2011
Top 10 Engineering Colleges in Orissa, 2011
1) University College of Engineering В - RANK 1
Burla, Orissa.Ph:В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В +91- 663-2430211
UCE under Biju Patnaik University of technology is the top rated college in Orissa providing undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral programmes in engineering.Teaching mode and handling practicals are of high standards in the college.
Useful links:В http://www.uceburla.ac.in
2) Institute of Technical Education & Research В RANK 2
SOA University, Bhubaneswar.Ph:В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В +91-674- 2350181
ITER is the part if Siksha O’ Anusandhan University approved by UGC.The institute is dedicated to provide high quality education and is also known for their management system.
Useful links:В http://iter.ac.in
3) College of Engineering & Technology (CET)В -В RANK 3
Bhubaneswar, Orissa.Ph:В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В +91-674-2384110
CET possesses well equipped laboratory facilities and campus for students to deliver maximum outcome.Training sessions within the course curriculum is the most notable advantage for the aspirants.
Useful links:В http://www.cetindia.org
4) Silicon Institute of TechnologyВ -В RANK 4
Bhubaneswar, Orissa.Ph:В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В + 91-674-2725448
This private institute is counted as top among private institutes in Orissa and one among the top list.They are destined to flourish this as centre for excellence in the field of engineering and technology.
Useful links:В http://www.silicon.ac.in
5) CV Raman College of EngineeringВ -В RANK 5
Bhubaneswar, Orissa.Ph:В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В +91-674-2460693
The college offers undergraduate programmes in various branches of engineering and technology.The placement cell is highly effective in creating opportunities for students.
Useful links:В http://cvraman.org
6) National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST)В -В RANK 6
Berhampur, Orissa.Ph:В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В +91-680-2492421
This private institute provides best conditions for the growth of engineers and technologists.The industrial training and consultancy services help students to improve their future standards.
Useful links:В http://www.nist.edu/
7) Kalinga Institute of Industrial TechnologyВ -В RANK 7
Bhubaneswar, Orissa.Ph:В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В + 91-674-2725113
Top quality infrastructure and lab facilities in KIIT made it one among the top colleges offering engineering and technology courses.Eminent professors and lecturers deliver informative sessions and ideas for healthy discussions among students.
Useful links:В http://www.kiit.ac.in
8 ) Aryan Institute of Engineering and TechnologyВ -В RANK 8
BARAKUDA, PANCHAGAON, KHURDA, Orissa.В В В Phone:В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В +91-В 09776209535
The institute is affiliated to Biju Patnaik university of technology and B.Tech and lateral entry B.Tech courses.They are also conducting supplimentary coaching cla*ses for better carrier options of students.
Useful links:В http://www.aryan.ac.in
9)В Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology (IGIT)В -В RANK 9
Sarang, Orissa.Ph:В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В + 91-6760-240371
Eminent instructors and high tech lab facilities in IGIT made it as one of the prime choice among aspirants in engineering and technology field.They offers bachelor and degree courses in the subject.
Useful links:В http://www.igitsarang.ac.in
10) Orissa Engineering College (OEC)В -В RANK 10
Bhubaneswar, Orissa.Ph:В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В +91-674-2541340
The college, affiliated to B.P.University, stands for quality education to nurture talents for the society.They hope to create professionals with responsibility and dedication.
Useful links:В http://www.oec.ac.in
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