
4 Tennis Elbow Stretches

4 Tennis Elbow Stretches

Tennis elbow results from damage to the muscles and tendons in the forearm.Treatment for tennis elbow relies on rest, ice, pain relievers, bracing, improving your tennis technique, and stretching and strengthening exercises.Strengthening exercises are one of the most important parts of your treatment because they help prevent tennis elbow from recurring, explains Health Brown, a physical therapist at Rehabilitation Today in Bradford, Pennsylvania.Consult your doctor before performing any tennis elbow exercise.
Wrist Extension and Flexion
Stretching and strengthening your wrists might help reduce the inflammation and pain caused by tennis elbow.Stretch your wrist daily and perform strengthening exercise three times a week on nonconsecutive days, as recommended by the American Academy of Family Physicians.Extend your injured arm in front of you.Grasp the hand of your injured arm with your good hand and gently flex your wrist down by pressing on the back of your hand.Hold the stretch for 15 to 30 seconds.After allowing your hand to relax for around 15 seconds, extend your wrist by pressing on the palm of your hand, to stretch the muscles and connective tissue in the underside of your forearm.Repeat each stretch two to three times.
Once you can perform these stretches without pain or discomfort, perform wrist extensions and flexions using a 1 to 2 lb.weight.Hold the weight in the hand of your injured arm so that your hand and the weight hang over the edge of a table and your forearm rests on the table.Extend and flex your wrist slowly.Perform three sets of 10 repetitions with your palm facing up and the same with your palm facing down.
Finger Strengthening
Finger and grip strengthening help relieve the inflammation in the muscle and connective tissue that moves the fingers.Perform a finger stretch by placing a rubber band around your fingers and thumb.Spread your fingers and thumb as far as possible against the resistance, then slowly bring them together.Perform these on a daily basis for four sets of 10 repetitions.Continue strengthening your fingers by placing a soft ball or putty in your hand and squeezing as hard as you can without pain.Hold the squeeze for 10 seconds and relax.Repeat two to three times a day.
Bicep Strengthening
Strengthening your biceps, which run from your shoulder and across your elbow, might help relieve tennis elbow pain.Perform standing biceps curls with your palms facing forward in the extended position for three sets of 10 repetitions every other day.Complete your biceps strengthening by performing another three sets of 10 repetitions of biceps curls in which your palm faces backward in the extended position.
Wrist Rotation
Strengthen and stretch the muscles that allow you to rotate your forearm to further relieve tennis elbow pain and prevent recurrence.Sit with your forearm supported on a desk or table.Hold a hammer in the hand of your injured arm, palm facing down.Slowly rotate you wrist to lift the head of the hammer off the table as far as you can without pain, then slowly lower the hammer head back to the table.Repeat for three sets of 10 repetitions.Stop this and any other exercise that causes you extreme discomfort, pain, swelling or unusual sensations in the forearm or hand.

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