She’s up in Cleveland, embarra*sing herself again what else?
predict is that it’ll probably have very little to do with the sport that gave her a name that allowed her to be unpredictable in the first place. before moving to Cleveland, FYI.) in March 2010, which basically was soft-core porn, which is fine with me, because what else is somebody like Dominique, a woman pushing 30 with two babies, going to do? 
This autographed 8X10 photo costs $14 through Power Play Sports Cards.The photo is from right around the time she gave it up in the Caymans.
If you listen to Dom, she single-handedly re-directed the course of gymnastics by winning a team gold medal in Atlanta.В She got fame and fortune by being the smallest, cutest, most pedophile-inciting member of the 1996 U.S.gymnastics team.
vain attempts to recapture the glory she had and deserved when she was a 68-pound rubber band in Barcelona. to give up the only thing she had left.В After that, it was downhill pretty fast. Then she got the bright idea to get married and move to a little pond, where she had a chance to become the Big Fish.В I don’t know if the marriage happened first or the move, but either way, she’s up in Cleveland now and it appears she’s trying to take over. (screen name) sent me the second and third.В Let’s watch all the videos, and I’ll try to find something intelligent to say about them. Dominique and Mike walk into a restaurant complaining of starvation.В Dominique looks about as close to starvation as a brontosaurs.В They’re a damn odd couple, Dom and Mike, but there’s something quirky about them that I like in spite of my better judgment. I think what I like is their goofiness.В Any couple who would do something like this has got a lot of guts.В Plus as fat as Moceanu is, you’d think the LAST thing she’d want to do is portray herself being a pig at a dinner table. !В And look at Mike tear into that disgusting whatever-it-is sandwich.В I have to admit, I had a sexual thought when he did that, and I have to admit when he pulled that whatever-it-is sandwich away from his mouth and he had that big smear of white stuff on his face, well, it wasn’t pleasant on this end.В So I went and talked to my mom about it. : I want you to tell me the truth about something.В What is Monistat 7 used for? : Monistat 7? : Yeah. : It’s for a yeast infection. ME: Okay.В So is it possible ...like, does a yeast infection leave a white residue?В Like a discharge or something?: Do you have a yeast infection? ! : Sarah, what the hell are you talking about? : I’m writing a story about Dominique Moceanu and her husband, Mike, and they’re at this restaurant and he bit into this big disgusting sandwich and he got something white all over his mouth. (Mom just stares at me.) : I just wanted to know if you can get white stuff all over your mouth from a yeast infection. (Mom still just stares at me, because I’m 19 now and should know better.) ! Then after Dom says another memorized line, we see Mike shoveling food into his mouth like it’s his last meal.В At home he probably has to eat quick before it disappears.В Interestingly, the only thing we SEE Dom eating is a damn french fry.В Maybe she’s seen the tale of the tape and is finally on a much-needed diet. : Mike’s going to eat everything in sight, Dominique.В You need to do the same. : But I’m already fat with knockers that didn’t go down that much after the second baby! : You can’t eat just a french fry!В This is a commercial to make people want to go out to eat in Cleveland. !В I have a reputation as a world-cla*s former gymnast to maintain! . » opens this next little ditty, where Dom and Mike are trying to induce people to go shopping in Cleveland.В Only this time, they’re doing some more role-playing, like they did in their soft-core-porn Lady Gaga video. Mike is pretending to be a suave salesperson in a clothing store, and Dom is pretending she’s a normal person.В She’s got on a SHORT sparkly silver mini-skirt and f**k-me heels, and with her oversized knockers and tree-trunk thighs, she looks like a man in drag. went down. : (Grunting and struggling to pull a normal-size blouse down over Dom’s head and knockers.) Try to suck in a little more, honey. : (Nearly suffocating.) I’m trying, but this is as far as I can suck. : Ouch! : What happened? MIKE: I think I pulled a muscle.В Maybe if you ...
! : Stop yelling everybody can hear you out there! ! : (Pulls the blouse off of Dom.)В I guess there’s no point in trying to get you into those pants, either. : (Looks at a size 8 pair of jeans.)В No, we probably ought to stick with the loose stuff. been doing for years. : You wanted those babies don’t f**king start. I love the part where Dom (in the role of a sexual dominant) is walking left to right across the stage, and Mike is running after her with a dress.В Then another Dom pops up and pretends to be a lioness, scratching at the air and making a little sexy growling sound. contestant, and he holds up a sign that says «9.8.»
No matter how much sexual innuendo they put into this thing, I’m pretty sure that «9.8» refers to a score, not a size.(Although if it was a size, it would explain a lot of things.)
If you watch that Paul Hunt video on the pink link above, you’ll notice two things.В 1.Paul is a really good female gymnast, and 2.He might actually be better on beam than Dominique ever was, including back in 1996 when she single-handedly altered the course of gymnastics history by winning a medal.
But you’ll notice that Paul never took his fame and fortune to Cleveland and started doing commercials about eating and shopping there.В That’s something only Dom could concoct.В Single-handedly. Sarah!{ * InsideFun * } Small Lake Courthouse Towers - Images & Detail
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