
Disadvantages of Liposuction

Disadvantages of Liposuction

Modern techniques for body contouring and removal of fat are being researched on and liposuction is the most common procedure that is opted by many.This invasive surgical procedure is the quickest way to lose fat.People desire instant gratification and they opt for this procedure, and it's only getting more popular by the day.This cosmetic surgery is most commonly performed on the abdomen region, hips and thighs.

Procedure and Recovery
The patient and the surgeon decide the areas to be worked on beforehand and the targeted areas are manually marked.A local anesthesia is given orally or through IV and incisions are made.A cannula is inserted and the fat is removed while making sure the fluid content in the body remains constant through an IV fluid line.The patient recovers in a few days depending on the extent of surgery.

Not everyone is eligible for this procedure.Several health factors are considered before opting for this procedure.The patient must be over 18, in good health and should be following a balanced diet and regular exercise regime.Persons suffering from diabetes, heart ailments or any kind of infection are not eligible for the procedure.

Even though the procedure sounds simple and harmless, complications can arise and things could go horribly wrong.Most common complications are allergies, infection, skin damage and fluid imbalance.If an internal organ is punctured during surgery, it could be fatal.

The fat can come back
Just because the fat is removed from the body does not mean that it is not going to come back.Unless the patient follows strict dietary and exercise routines, the fat is 100% likely to reappear.Studies in University of Colorado and University of Pennsylvania have shown that fat removed from one part of the body can appear in other parts.It was also found in the study that the human body has a mechanism to restore the amount of fat in the body; fat removed from the lower body through liposuction reappeared in the shoulders and arms.

Internal organs could be punctured as the surgeon cannot see the cannula when it is inserted during surgery.Even though such damage can be fixed through surgery, in some cases it can prove to be fatal.Lidocaine toxicity is another danger faced by the patient if too much saline fluid is injected.Lidocaine poisoning initially causes tingling and numbness and then lead to seizures and cardiac arrest.A common complication that could occur is infection in the targeted areas.When the body is incised, bacteria could enter and cause infection.Sometimes it can be treated easily but in serious conditions it can lead to amputation of the infected area.

Although liposuction is never considered to be a better option than dieting and exercising, people still opt for it because it gives quick results.Healthy eating habits and regular exercise can also lead to weight loss without any health risks, but it is a slow process in comparison.Liposuction does not lead to any metabolic boost that exercise provides and does not provide any other health benefits either.There are always new shortcuts being discovered every day, but when has a shortcut ever given better and long lasting results when compared to hard work?View the original article here
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