
Late July

Late July

Photo blog day 342, July 30, 2011

Let me try to describe what a Late July day is like here in New England.Close your eyes and picture this.

If you’re lucky it will have rained overnight.You’ll wake to a cool breeze and air rich with the smell of earth and wet pavement.The sun lighting up the mist and fog that rises from the fields.Birds chirping and cheeping, welcoming the day.By mid-morning the gra*s will have dried and the breeze will pick up.The sky is a deep azure blue dotted with puffy clouds.As the day warms up it brings with it the smell of summer.The gra*s and the flowers sway.To escape the gentle heat you eat your lunch in the shade of a lush tree, it’s leaves rustling over head.The wind is kissing your face and tickling your toes as you curl them into the cool soft gra*s.Late in the afternoon the sun starts to dip lower in the sky.As you gaze around you notice how the sun is filtering through the trees, spots of sunlight on the ground highlight last years fallen leaves, leftover droplets of rain deeper in the forest glint in the light as the breeze continues to sway the branches back and forth.

The air begins to cool again and by the time you’ve finished dinner the temperature is a very comfortable 75 or 77 degrees.В The crickets and bullfrogs wake up and begin their night song.A few straggling lightening bugs (aka Fireflies) sway their bums through the night air.And just when you think the day can’t get any more perfect you eat the last slice of blueberry pie made with blueberries you picked only a few days ago.

I never even left our yard today and what you read above is exactly the type of day it was.I wish I could have hit the record button so I can play it back again in January or February.

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