
Your Deck of Ancient Symbols Card for July 27th is The Believer

Your Deck of Ancient Symbols Card for July 27th is The Believer
Your Deck of Ancient Symbols Card for Today

The Believer

The Believer represents Faith and the realization that you have an important place in the workings of the Universe.Although The Believer may not always understand why things are the way they are, they none-the-less feel an underlying cosmic rhythm which is moving events in a direction that is good.The Believer rejoices in their celestial role, because they realize their life has purpose on a grand scale.

As a daily card, The Believer denotes a time when you will benefit by embracing and exploring your place in the Universe.The Believer confirms that you have inherent value far beyond our secular existence; that you are an important part of the both the grandeur and the mystery of our Cosmos.

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